There’s not much to say, or maybe I’m just too tired to say it all, but since it’s been a while I thought I would provide you readers with an update.
I got out of the hospital Thursday. I begged and pleaded to get out. I went in at my treatment team’s recommendation and my husband’s insistence. It was their opinion I needed to go in because I wasn’t eating and I had lost weight. Once I got in there I just wanted out. I didn’t want to eat their food or gain any weight. So I was out after five days. Probably not the best idea to get out so early, but my running shoes were calling and I wasn’t prepared for the dictations and limitations of the hospital.
I’m trying to handle my disordered eating and thoughts on an outpatient basis. So far I’ve been in trouble. My eating hasn’t been what it should be given my running, and I’ve had two bouts of binging and purging since Thursday. I know I’ve got to get it under control, because I only have a year of school left and this upcoming Fall semester will be extremely important given I’ll be in the public school system teaching.
I quit my job. I was becoming too sick to work. I had no energy to carry out my job and I was becoming less than pleasant to the customers. So I’m a free woman all Summer. No job. No school. No stress. I’m dedicating this Summer to recovery.
Recovery. Been there. Done that. I don’t know how I ended back in the disordered eating zone, or the I’m so worthless and fat space, but here I am. I’ll expound my theories on that in a later post. But for now, this is where I am. And other than devoting my time to recovery, lying out by the pool, training for a marathon, and reading a stack of books this summer, I plan on blogging more.
It’s good to be back.
Glad to have you back and I'm glad that you are working on getting better. Sending you strength!