Welcome to the week-in-review of my life’s antics where I take a tongue-in-cheek look at the shenanigans of my week. This post is part of a special-edition series because I currently am in treatment for an eating disorder, and this post is reflective of what has happened with me and my treatment.
But first, let’s start with the cheesy.
In an eating disorder treatment facility, movement can be fairly restrictive and often prohibited. I’m not allowed to run like I used to, so I had to invent a new form of exercise to get in my activity.
I think this is an exercise plan to which I can really adhere.
Online Shopping
Being in treatment brings out the shopping addict in me.
On one shoulder, I have a voice telling me it’s okay to shop, that I deserve to treat myself.
Then the other side of me speaks and tells me, “Nope. Not today.”
The struggle is real.
Some people who come to treatment sleep so much better than they do at home.
I do not understand that phenomenon.
I met with the exercise physiologist who is prescribing some progressive movement back into my life. We are going back to basics, so she came up with some important breathing exercises for me for when I strength train.
I think I still need to work on my breathing skills.
I usually start the day off meditating to center me, get me focused, and instill calmness in me.
However, my apartment mates were getting ready, and I was distracted. As a result, my meditation practice did not go well.
My dad came into town for a visit.
We didn’t do anything special. It was just nice to spend time together.
The group with whom I’m in treatment with went on a mindful walk. Imagine 13 ladies marching through a neighborhood all at once. The neighbors were none too pleased with our presence.
I also met with my therapist on Friday.
We discussed how I’m not in touch with my feelings.
Maybe I’m more in touch than I originally thought.
My dad was still in town for a visit, and he wanted Chik-fil-a for dinner, which didn’t fit well with my meal plan considering I’m a vegetarian and Chik-fil-A is, well, not. But the food smelled really delish, and I was tempted to give in to their famous chicken sandwich.
Alas, all I could eat was a plain salad, and that was not filling nor appetizing.
Dear plain salads,
No. I’m not eating any more of you ever again. I prefer to nourish myself and feel satiated. Salad, you and I are splitting.
I woke up starving since all I had eaten the night before was a salad.
So for breakfast, I ate extra food, and I felt so much more satisfied afterward.
That’s all for my week in review.
The good news is I will be back next week with another funny review.
Have a great week!