Charleston – Day 1

Charleston - Day 1 1

Besides my husband, these are the loves of my life. C. is on the left, O. is on the right. I’m surprised O. is letting me take a picture of her. She is normally camera shy.

This is the first full day of Charleston. We’ve just parked along the Battery where parking is free. It’s already insanely hot and humid. Plan is to go to catch the boat to Fort Sumter where it’s even hotter.
Charleston - Day 1 2 Feeling the love! They don’t look or act like twins, but they are fraternal.

Charleston - Day 1 3Backing up an hour, we are in the hotel gettnig ready to go. You can tell this is early in our trip because the room is still clean. 🙂

O. is here with her favorite pose.

Charleston - Day 1 4 C. is all smiles…as usual.

Charleston - Day 1 5 Starbucks? Really, girls. Why can’t we even go on vacation without running towards the nearest Starbucks? Okay, okay. It was really my idea. I needed a caffiene fix and the hotel coffee sucked!

Charleston - Day 1 6 Looking at the Battery from the ship on the way to Fort Sumter.

Charleston - Day 1 7

My three favorite faces in the whole world!

Charleston - Day 1 8 We arrive finally at Fort Sumter, the home site of the Civil War, April 12, 1865.

Charleston - Day 1 9
Construction on Fort Sumter began in 1829. I don’t think this museum and bathroom were part of the plan. Charleston - Day 1 10 These are the original bricks built by slaves. They’ve lasted almost two centuries. They are very delicate and are slightly crumbly to the touch. These were the barracks and were built under the gun powder. During the attack, this proved to be just a little mistake.

Charleston - Day 1 11 C. is always inquisitive and alway asking questions. She’s brilliant!

Charleston - Day 1 12 The man with all the answers and who also stole my heart.

Charleston - Day 1 13 O. and C. are reading about their history.

Charleston - Day 1 14

Charleston - Day 1 15 After Fort Sumter, we were a little hungry. O. wanted to go to Bubba Gump Shrimp. It’s really good, but not for vegetarians, which C. and I are. The salad was good, but I like the mixed drink even better. The second drink even better than that.

Charleston - Day 1 16

Charleston - Day 1 17 C. is enjoying her “mixed” drink.
Charleston - Day 1 18 Words to live by:

Charleston - Day 1 19“And that’s all I have to say about that.”

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Hey, y'all. My name is Becca, and I run this mental health website called Missing In Sight. I am a mental health warrior, battling stigma and discrimination right by your side. I created this blog to share my personal stories of pain, strength, and hope so you know you are never alone.

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