When Silence Screams So Loudly – Wordless Wednesday

When Silence Screams So Loudly - Wordless Wednesday 1


When Silence Screams So Loudly - Wordless Wednesday 2
When Silence Screams So Loudly - Wordless Wednesday 3
When Silence Screams So Loudly - Wordless Wednesday 4
When Silence Screams So Loudly - Wordless Wednesday 5

I would love to hear from you!

Do you find yourself at a loss of words sometime?

Has it ever been difficult for you to describe what you are experiencing?

If so, what has helped?

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Hey, y'all. My name is Becca, and I run this mental health website called Missing In Sight. I am a mental health warrior, battling stigma and discrimination right by your side. I created this blog to share my personal stories of pain, strength, and hope so you know you are never alone.

8 thoughts on “When Silence Screams So Loudly – Wordless Wednesday

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  2. Fear of what people think, feel, about what I may write stops me alot. Panic attacks hrs later after I have written. Many times I need to then delete it or if on paper shred it. So afraid.?

    1. I’m sorry about your fears and the panic attacks that occur after you’ve written. That must be so difficult. I am so perfectionistic that nothing I ever write seems good enough, so I just shut down. I guess we are all just works in progress.

    1. Yes. But even blogging can sometimes be difficult for me. That’s why I like to write in my journal because it doesn’t have to be perfect or even comprehensible. I can scribble to get my mind going and then sometimes the words follow. Thank you for your comment! It’s always nice to hear from you!

        1. I was in college for English and writing, and they taught me to write before I write. Journaling helps me generate ideas and kind of form a template of what I will eventually post about. I find it important to journal and blog. Hope this helps. Becca

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